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KPIC’s Managing Director, the Best Employer of the Province

Every year a group of workers and employers, in a meeting with Walifaqih’s representative and Kermanshah’s Imam Jomeh, while renewing their allegiance to revolution’s and late Imam Khomeini’s ideals, appreciate the valuable advices of his eminency.. KPIC’s public relations reported that during a ceremony celebrating Fajr decade, that was held in the office of Imam Jomeh of Kermanshah, workers and employers of Kermanshah were appreciated. Sohrab Barandisheh, Kermanshah’s Director of Work and Social Affairs Department remarked: “as the smallest member of workers’ community, following our holy profit, I have so much respect for you, workers.” Referring to the importance of work and workers, he added:”in Holy Quran, there are 360 verses related to the importance of work and effort and Imam Khomeini stated very beautifully that “life of a country depends on work and workers” and the Supreme Leader also mentioned workers as the basis of country’s improvement. Then, we conclude that we should reinforce work and effort.” He continued: “according to our Supreme Leader, work and worker are comrades and through cooperation and interaction of workers and employers, we can reach high peaks of development.” Head of Worker and Employer Committee of Fajr ceremony said: legalism, friendship and mutual respect, is the key of success in worker communities and we should follow the slogan “We Can” and spread basiji attitude in all fields of work and production. Barandisheh continued: our slogan in work and social affairs department is honesty in speech and behavior, leniency toward people, extreme attraction and repellence, only if necessary. In addition to employment as the main axis, attention must be paid to two other critical axes, reviving working culture and acquiring professional skills in the province. At the end of this ceremony, Mohammad Reza Mirahmadi, KPIC’s Managing Director was appreciated as the best employer of the province. Also Hojatoleslam Hassan YousefiFard, KPIC’s Cultural Affairs Assistant and Imam Jama’at, was introduced and praised as active in the field of Namaz and development and enforcement of Islamic and religious principles in working community.

13:21 - 02/03/2013    /    Number : 182    /    Show Count : 1711

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